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Photo from Hogan at Red Creek Ranch by Calvin
Numerous newspaper and newsletter articles and many for local archaeological societies, conservation groups and
museum organizations including a regular column, Just Musin’, for each institution served since 1974
Smith, Calvin B.
- 1965 "A New Method of Projectile Point Classification and Site Survey," Bulletin I, Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas Symposium Papers, Lea County Archaeological Society, pp. 15-17, Hobbs, New Mexico.
- 1966 "The Paleo-Indian in Southeastern New Mexico," Transactions of the Second Regional Archaeological Symposium for Southeastern New Mexico and Western Texas, Special Bulletin No. 1, Midland Archaeological Society, pp. 3-8, Midland, Texas
- 1966 Smith, Calvin B., Shirley East-Smith, and J. W. Runyan “A Preliminary Investigation of the Rattlesnake Draw Site”, Special Series No. 1, Lea County Archaeological Society, Hobbs, New Mexico
- 1966 Smith, Calvin B., John Runyon and George Agogino "A Progress Report on a Pre-ceramic Site at Rattlesnake Draw, Eastern New Mexico," Plains Anthropologist, Vol. 34, No. 11, pp. 302-313, Lincoln, Nebraska
- 1969 Editor Transactions of the Fifth Regional Archaeological Symposium for Southeastern New Mexico and Western Texas, 78 pp., El Llano Estacado Archaeological Society, Portales, New Mexico
- 1970 "Evidence of a Distinctive Midland Complex in Southeastern New Mexico," Student Anthropologist, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 77-81, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado
- 1970 "Evidence of a Distinctive Midland Complex in Southeastern New Mexico," The New Mexico Academy of Science Bulletin, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 16-19, Santa Fe, New Mexico
- 1971 Mescalero Sands Natural Studies Plan, The Natural History Museum and the Paleo-Indian Institute, 50 pp., Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, New Mexico
- 1971 “Proposed Study Area in the Mescalero Sands, Southeastern New Mexico”, The New Mexico Academy of Science Bulletin, Vol.12, No. 2, pp. 19-20, Santa Fe, New Mexico
- 1971 Contributor, Historic Preservation, A Plan for New Mexico, State Planning Office, 76 pp., Santa Fe, New Mexico
- 1972 "The Maljamar Point," Llano Estacado Heritage, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 33-35, Hobbs, New Mexico
- 1973 Editorial Consultant, Llano Estacado Heritage, Hobbs, New Mexico
- 1974 "Description of a Distinctive Projectile Point from Southeastern New Mexico," Awanyu, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 20-25, Archaeological Society of New Mexico, Las Cruces, New Mexico
- 1976 “The Spindletop Museum: Its Past, Present and Future,” The Texas Gulf Historical and Biographical Record, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 40-49, The Texas Gulf Historical Society, Beaumont, Texas
- 1979 Contributor, The Old West, The End and the Myth, Time-Life Books, Alexandria, Virginia
- 1983 “A Destiny ...,” FORUM, Texas Association of Museums Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 4, p. 5, Austin, Texas
- 1985 “To Save A Dune,” The Greater Llano Estacado Southwest Heritage, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 5-3, 12, and 19, Hobbs, New Mexico
- 1986 Contributor, "A Sesquicentennial Reading List," Texas Libraries, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 80-81, Austin, Texas
- 1986 Contributor, Future Directions for Texas Museums, compiled by Dr. William C. Griggs, Texas Historical Commission, Austin, Texas
- 1991 Contributor, Forests and People, Vol. 41, No. 3, Louisiana Forestry Association, Alexandria, Louisiana
- 1992 Proboscidean and Paleoindian Interactions, Edited by John W. Fox, Calvin B. Smith, and Kenneth T. Wilkins, Markham Press Fund of Baylor University Press, 232 pp., Waco, Texas
- 1994 “Clearing the Smoke,” Museums Journal, Vol. 94, No. 9, p. 32. London, England
- 1996 "Horn Rock Yields Important Archaeological Finds, Texas Heritage, Vol. 14, No. 1, p. 26, Austin, Texas
- 1998 Contributor, Ecology and Management of Sand Shinnery Communities: A Literature Review, by Roger S. Peterson and Chad S. Boyd, USDA, U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fort Collins, Colorado
- 1999 Contributor, Guide to Museum Studies and Training in the United States: 1999-2000 Guide, Professional Practice Series, Roxana Adams, Editor, American Association of Museums, Washington, D.C.
- 2001 Smith, Calvin B. and Doug Stockton "Interpreting the Spanish Conquest and Colonial Periods in Museums," Texas Heritage, Fall, 2001, pp. 9-12, Austin, Texas
- 2002 "The Future of Avocational Archaeology," Forward into the Past, Papers in Honor of Teddy Lou and Francis Stickney,28, pp. 105-108, Edited by Regge N. Wiseman, Thomas C. O’Laughlin and Cordelia T. Snow, Archaeological Society of New Mexico, pp. 105-108, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- 2004 Contributor, Inside the Minds: The Business of Museums – A Behind the Scenes Look at Curatorship, Management Strategies and Critical Components for Success, Chapter 1, pp. 1-34, Aspatore Books C-Level Business Intelligence, Boston, MA
- 2006 Contributor, Southeastern New Mexico Regional Design and Resource Management Strategy, Compiled by Patrick Hogan, Historic Preservation Division, Department of Cultural Affairs, Santa Fe, New Mexico
- 2010 Contributor, Raptors of New Mexico, Jean-Luc E. Cartron, Editor, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque, New Mexico
- 2010 “A Brief History of the Waco Mammoth Site”, Waco Heritage and History, Edited by Watson Arnold and Claire Masters, pp. 25-27, Historic Waco Foundation, Waco, Texas
- 2011 “A Look Back with an Eye to the Future”, Transactions of the 46th Regional Archeological Symposium for Southeastern New Mexico and Western Texas, pp. 113-133, Southeastern New Mexico Archaeological Society, Hobbs, New Mexico
- 2011 “Gettysburg of the West: The Battle of Glorieta Pass”, Waco Heritage and History, Edited by Watson Arnold and Claire Masters, pp. 10-13, Historic Waco Foundation, Waco, Texas
- 2011 “The Trail Drivers: Oliver Loving and Charles Goodnight”, Sunshine and Shadows in New Mexico’s Past: Volume II, The U. S. Territorial Period 1848-1912, pp. 187-193, Edited by Richard Melzer, published by Rio Grande Books in collaboration with the Historical Society of New Mexico, Los Ranchos, New Mexico
- 2011 “The 100 Year Ranches of Lea County, New Mexico”, The Lea County Tradition: Life on the Staked Plains, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 3, 5-9, 11-17, 19-21, 23-25, 27, 29, Hobbs, New Mexico
- 2012 Condon, Peter C. and Calvin B. Smith Examining Paleoindian Settlement Patterns in Far West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico: A Discussion on Current Evidence and Interpretation, a poster session presented at the 78th Annual Society for American Archaeology Conference, Memphis, Tennessee
- 2014 Smith, Calvin B. and Douglas E. Miller, From Decoys to Decoratives: The Development of America's Original Art Form, As Represented by the Doug and Ellen Miller Collection, in two volumes, over 1,800 unedited pages, being prepared for printing
- 2015 "A Look Back With An Eye to the Future: A Personal History of the Southwestern Federation of Archaeological Societies", pp. 1-5 and "Brief Histories of the SWFAS Member Societies: Lea County then Southeastern New Mexico", pp. 16-17 and "A Look Back...The End of the Paleo at Rattlesnake Draw...A 50 Year Retrospective", pp.45-46, Transactions of the 50th Regional Archaeological Symposium for Southeastern New Mexico and Western Texas, Panhandle Archaeological Society, Amarillo, Texas
- 2016 "Foreword", p. ii, and “A Study of the Billie Pearson Collection”, Transactions of the 51st Regional Archaeological Symposium for Southeastern New Mexico and Western Texas, pp. 123-147, Southeastern New Mexico Archaeological Society, Hobbs, New Mexico
- 2017 Long Range Master Plan for the 1870 Goodnight Barn Restoration Committee, Pueblo, Colorado, 44pp. with 26pp. References, 6pp. Glossary, includes Site and Exhibits plans
- 2017 "Comment to Wiest et. al.", The Waco Mammoth National Monument May Represent A Diminished Watering-Hole Scenario Based on Preliminary Evidence of Post-Mortem Scavenging, in PALAIOS, Vol. 32, Nos. 1-2, Society for Sedimentary Geology
- 2019 Long Range Master Plan for a new museum at Trinidad State Junior College and proposed promotional packet
- 2022 The Mammoth Quest: An Epic Expedition into the Past, 165 pp., Rosedog Press
- 2023 A History of the Waco Mammoth Site: In Pursuit of a National Monument, 114 pp., Baylor University Press
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